Project Results
Final Report
- According to the UN-Standard rules on Equal Opportunities for people with disabilities and the EU-Charter of Civil Rights and the European Union Disability Strategy, people with learning disabilities have to be recognised as equal members and citizens of society. They should be recognised as men and women, children, adults and seniors, members of specific cultures and different ethnic groups. However, people with learning disabilities remain one of the most marginalised groups in European society, experiencing multiple discrimination.
- Download: Final Report (file-type: pdf, file-size: 131 KB)
Final Recommendations
- In our opinion we should start acting before we have all the theoretical answers - Correspondingly this paper does not include a complete theoretical model, but encourages improvements and provides references for good practice.
- Download: Final Recommendations (file-type: pdf, file-size: 134 KB)
Comparative Framework
- The Comparative Framework is one of the main products of the European Project 'STEPS - Structures towards emancipation, participation and solidarity'. STEPS was funded from October 2001 to August 2004 through the Community Action Programme to combat Discrimination by the European Commission, DG Employment and Social Affairs. In the STEPS project 18 universities, service providing organisations and administrations worked in collaboration locally, nationally and cross-nationally.
- Download: Comparative Framework (Document) (file-type: pdf, file-size: 1.8 MB)
- Download: Comparative Framework (Title) (file-type: pdf, file-size: 1.0 MB)
International User Conference: Independent Living in Europe
- From April 21st until April 25th 2004 an International Conference for People with Learning Disabilities took place in Hamburg.
- Website of the International User Conference
Report of the STEPS-User-group
- The adsivory group of people with learning disabilities who worked in Hamburg during the project reported to the "Steps"-project.
- Download: Report of the STEPS-User Group (file-type: pdf, file-size: 47 KB)
Demands of the STEPS-User-group
- The adsivory group of people with learning disabilities formulated their demands for a self-detemined life.
- Download: Demands of the advisory group of service users (file-type: pdf, file-size: 38 KB)
Report of the STEPS Professionals Advisory Group
- Download: Report of the advisory group of service professionals (file-type: pdf, file-size: 44 KB)
Results of the Local Projects
- Download: Final Report of the Rotterdam trialogue (file-type: pdf, file-size: 24 KB)
- Download: Handbook BART (file-type: pdf, file-size: 153 KB)
- Download: Final Report of the Lidingö trialogue (file-type: pdf, file-size: 288 KB)
- Website of the Swedish Partnership (opens in a new window)
London / Canterbury
- Download: Final Report of the London trialogue (file-type: pdf, file-size: 42 KB)
- Download: Leaflet of the Barcelona Partnership, spanish (file-type: pdf, file-size: 440 KB)
- Download: Leaflet of the Barcelona Partnership, catalan (file-type: pdf, file-size: 460 KB)
- Download: Final Report of the Hamburg Partnership (file-type: pdf, file-size: 49 KB)
- Website of the Hamburg Partnership (opens in a new window)
Evaluation of the STEPS-Project
- Download: Evaluation (file-type: pdf, file-size: 180 KB)
external Presentations of the STEPS project
Interactive Use of ICT
- Presentation of the STEPS-project at the Conference: Interactive Use of ICT in projects promoting Social Inclusion Rome May 22nd to 25th 2003
- Download: Presentation Rome (file-type: pdf, file-size: 1.0 MB)
Presentation for the Ministry for Social Welfare and Family
- Februar 10th 2005
- Download: Presentation Hamburg (file-type: pps, file-size: 544 KB)
Further information:
For further information please see the results of the conferences in the section "conferences"