Saturday, 27.07.2024
An Action Research Project in the European Union Community Action Programme to combat Discrimination


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4th. Int. Conference of Steps
Barcelona, 26th - 30th of November 2003

"Legal and Financial Regulations"

Conference Programme

Introduction to the Case Studies

Barcelona, 23rd of October 2003

Elaboration of the Case Studies

Dear friends and STEPS partners,
As you already know, we are enthusiastically organising the next STEPS Conference in Barcelona, that will take place at the end of November. One of the central aims of the Conference is the detection of possible reasons for discrimination of people with learning disabilities. We would suggest taking into account their ordinary and daily lives. Thus, we will be able to analyse and study, on the basis of the different national backgrounds, whether or not it is possible to remove obstacles concerning the realisation of participation, self-determination, and legal and financial equalisation.

In order to deal with these issues during the Barcelona Conference, we would like to suggest to each of the local partnerships to develop two short case studies, or life reports, taking into account the guidelines offered below. In other words, you should select real cases within your own community or your local area. To choose the cases the following criteria could be helpful:

Please find below a guideline which would be useful to develop the case studies. If you have any questions or doubts please let us know through the Barcelona's group co-ordinator, Xabier Ballesteros. His e-mail is:

Thank you for your collaboration.

Warm regards and best wishes
The Barcelona Partnership

Xabier Ballesteros, Carmen Buisán, Francesc Durà, Isabel Paula, Guadalupe Pulido Assumpció Pujol, Maria T. Sans Esther Sesma, Josep Tresserras

Case Studies


STEPS - Structures towards Emancipation, Participation and Solidarity
Ev. Hochschule für Soziale Arbeit & Diakonie Rauhes Haus - Horner Weg 170 - 22111 Hamburg